He completed his musical studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid, where he served as Professor of Rhythmics and Paleography.

He has a Doctor from the University of Alcalá de Henares, where he has defended his thesis with the title of The scenic music of Antonio Soler within the framework of the Escorial Monastery, qualified with an Extraordinary Prize.

His musicological work, in addition to the works related to his specialty, is especially oriented towards music in the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial, a subject on which he has published numerous works. Currently he directs the Collection of the Chapel Masters of the Monastery of San Lorenzo el Real del Escorial, which already
has a total of twelve published books and three CDs.

He has edited three works referring to the keyboard music of Antonio Soler: Música para órgano, Ediciones Escurialenses, Madrid, 1997; Tres sonatas inéditas pertenecientes a su Obra 5ª de clave, Cuadernos de Daroca, V, I. Institución Fernando el Católico, 2018, Nueve sonatas inéditas. Manuscrito Villahermosa 1, Ed. Dairea, 2022.

Asociación de Amigos del Órgano de Palencia